Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome Islanders and Pelicans!

This site was created to help all Islander Sports families stay on top of daily news and events related to ISF Sports at Coronado High and Coronado Middle Schools. will continue to run as it has in the past concentrating on all administrative aspects and information related to our school sports, policies, registration forms, CIF related information, etc.

Islander Sports News is an interactive site, and I encourage you to e-mail me any information you would like posted here such as: sports-related events at CHS and CMS, team fundraising events, CMS game scores and championships, CMS Sport Coordinators and CHS Booster Club President's information about each team, team accomplishments, donations, and any other information NOT normally covered in David Axelson's Nado Natterings.

Read, enjoy and participate in this new on-line community serving our Coronado athletes and their families!

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